My little girl is the sweetest bundle of cuteness you could possibly imagine. Allow me the indulgence of a gushing mother this one paragraph, please! She has eyes like the sky, lashes that curl back to her eyebrows, milky skin and a smile that melts my heart so much, it hurts.

We named her Adelaide because it was her great-grandmother’s name and because it means ‘noble’.

A few of us mums were recently sharing the songs we croon to our bubbies as we’re rocking them in our arms. Mostly silly songs with lyrics lovingly tweaked or improvised.

Adelaide’s lullaby is stolen from the animated kids television series called Madeline – another three-syllable name.

“I’m Adelaide, I’m Adelaide, and though I’m very small,” I whisper-sing into her hair.
“I’m Adelaide, I’m Adelaide, and inside I’m tall.”

Madeline  8

In truth, those words ring true as a mantra or a blessing I will sing over her infancy because I would like very much for her to blossom into a young woman who knows that no matter how ‘small’ she is on the outside, she is ‘tall’ within.

I want her to know that she is a noble woman – not because she is pretty or well-spoken or successful – but because she IS.

Does that make sense?

Nothing she can do will diminish her nobility, her value. She is a reflection of her Maker. She is a ripple of perfection.

Life will sully that blissful vulnerability I see before me now and mar the beauty of innocence. But it cannot take away the value that God places on her. That is indelibly written on her very core.

So, that’s all. I just wanted to share this little bit of Inside-Out thinking in the lead-up to Saturday: Flourish Day. Be prepared to receive some more Inside-Out inspiration from Karen Wilson as she shares her own journey and the life-altering revelations she has found along the way.

See you there!

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